Monday, January 4, 2010

Yes, I believe I have RMS.

Restless Mind Syndrome, that is. You know how they have those drug commercials for Restless Leg Syndrome? Well, it's not my restless legs that keep me up at night. It's my brain that is in constant "brainstorming" mode. Seriously, when I was a child I was diagnosed with ADD and now I'm thinking I was misdiagnosed and that they must put this RMS in the Medical books.

Once, on the Hyena Cart forums, someone gifted me with the title, "I have ideas all the time". At first, I was a little offended because I felt like someone was making fun of me. But, they are exactly right. I DO have ideas all the time. In fact, I can't complete a single task in a day without getting side-tracked by yet another idea.

So, I've decided to try blogging. Maybe it will be an outlet for me to quickly get an idea out of my head and let me move on. Maybe it will be the worst idea I've ever had and just fuel the brainstorming flame. I don't know but, as a mom of three boys who has a LOT to do in a day, I am desperate for a cure!!!!

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